Freight North Logistics

Partner Carrier Application

Freight North Logistics

Become a Partner Carrier Now

This Sub‐contractor Pre‐qualification Package is to be completed by all sub‐contractors who wish to be considered a potential service supplier to Freight North Logistics. The intent of this package is to impartially assess your company and its suitability to meet the needs of Freight North Logistics and its Clients. Registration with Freight North Logistics does not guarantee that your organization will be awarded a contract to provide services, or confirmation that your organization will be included as a bidder on any current or future project bid solicitations. Should your organization be deemed by Freight North Logistics to be a qualified bidder, you will be required to respond to bid solicitations and will be competing with other organizations based on factors including price, quality, and schedule. If required, Freight North Logistics may request further information to confirm your rating as a qualified bidder.